Friday, November 21, 2008

Senior Class Wills

Senior Class Wills 1989

I, Janice Anderson, will to Andy Meelberg my car, but only if he drives slowly. To Adrian and Mark my Tears for Fears tape. To Jenny Putz her own postal service. To Eva Gaichas, my ability to make it through an entire song without stopping. To Kent Swanson all my clarinet reeds, and to Katy Liesner – no more Miss Beetle or her best friend and a new brother.

I, Eric Bullen, being of not so sound mind but of perfect body, will these insignificant things to these people. To the school: All the pieces of glass I have ever broken so they can recycle it to get some profit. To Tom Marier: The nickname of “Fade-away” ad all of the glory that goes with it. To anyone in the junior class: My ability to make everyone smile and laugh. We all know how terrible it will be here without us (the class of 1989!)

I, Gretchen Busch, hereby will to Lisa Winters tolerance for “you-know-who” and certain swimmer type boys who act like jerks, to Matt Peterson I leave a pair of glasses so he may bring laughter to many by acting “feminine”, even when I =’m gone. To Adrian Caauwe I leave all my dreams to never grow up and the ability to always find Waldo. Katy Liesner will get all my memories of Miss Beetle. To Dan Campbell I leave as many “mousies” as he can handle. And last, but never least, my ability to deal with small children I leave to Kent Swanson – I hope you never have to use an incinerator.

I, Andrea Crossfield, will to all the girls on this years’ Varsity Basketball Cheerleading squad good luck next year and the ability to talk quieter about personal matters when you’re locker-room is right next to the guys. I will to Tim Schwartz more luck in Snow-Fest next year. I will the ’90 Shield staff many long hours working in the “closet”. I will the JV boys basketball team a new person to “harass” by yelling her name in a weird way. I will do Dan Campbell the luxury of not driving a carpool and good lunch in getting the motor cycle that he wants.

I, Jennifer Dale, will to Andreia Baake my senior/section leader spot in Croixaliers. I also will all of my patience and strength to endure choir. I will to Lisa Ann Winters all of the “pond scum” I’ve come across in the past four years! Enjoy! I will to Adrian Caauwe all the half eaten tacos in the world! I will to Mr. Everts my Minnesotan accent P-O-N-D not P-A-W-N-E-D!

I, Bradley Donaldson, will to John Strutt my love for head banging and my long hair. I will to Mr. Kassulke my great taste in music. I will to Chip Owens my uncanny ability to take Latin tests without studying and still get good grades and also to face translating every day. And I ill to Tim Schwartz all the strength and sanity he’ll need to survive Latin III.

I, Allysen Marie Jessica Elizabeth Dummer, being of sound mind and not so sound body, do hereby will to Andreia Baake the ability to use the Law of the Universe any time she sees fit. And to Mr. Kassulke, the remembrance of having half-way decent trumpeters. If you think it’s bad now, wait 'til next year! And to John Mahrt I will some of my coordination so that if he makes it into the musical his senior year he can at least lead.

I, Sean Grasz, bequeath to Katy Liesner all the songs she ever wants to accompany in choir. To Andreia my ability to procrastinate when it comes to piano competitions and all my taco Sanchez jokes. To my cousin David my outgoing spirit. And to Jon Mahrt my ability to two-step.

I, Liz Gullickson, will to Arian Caauwe – the ability to know how many minutes are left in art. To Katy Liesner – all the paper dolls, teddy grams, and heart stickers in the world also I give Katy the ability to not use her hands to turn pages while playing the piano. And to have fun with Bull and Bonkers after I’m gone.

I, Ross Hansen, will to nobody, nothing. Find what you want by yourself. Don’t be a mock off everybody (snuff you most of all).

I, Laura Heemeyer, will to Katy Liesner the best friend, the ability to make it through ALL of next year without going insane, I’m gonna miss ya! To Leslie Sell, the challenge to find a bowling alley that does not have league night EVERY night and then when you finally succeed, the ability to not drop the ball while attempting to maybe get a strike not a gutter ball. Good Luck! To Georgeanne Henrich, the ability make it through one day as happy as you were the night before, the ability to stay calm during those heated arguments, and the ability to make your Senior year the best. Good Luck in everything you do! And to my three bosom buddies, you know who you are and you know what you get.

I, Gerry Hendrickson, will to the junior class the tradition of lunch chats – have as much fun with them as we did. To anyone else who wants it, the ability to skip as much school and not get caught (very often). And the rest of the lunch chat chums –me Jen will see you at the wedding (j/k).

I, Nathan Hochmuth, being of sort of sound mind do will the following items: To Pastor Huebner and Pastor Zell, I leave my Bible to be divided up equally between them, but only if they keep up to date with Project New Testament. My squirt gun I leave to Mr. Lequia and to Mr. Panning I leave my baseball mitt and hat. To the underclassmen I leave all my textbooks and writing utensils. The rest of my possessions are to be gathered together and burned, or hauled to Ethiopia let them have a free-for-all.

I, Kim Hoepner, will Missy Adams my volleyball skills especially keeping the book.

I, John Innes, being of sound mind and body, do solemnly bequeath the following possessions: To Kim Detsch my life supply of Vivarin and Mountain Dew. To John Longindyke my ability to take great pictures of endless and very BORING S.C. events. To Tim G. Chad H. Dave N. Jerry, and Don my great ability to get choice seats to any and every concert and sell them for lots of $. To Scott Roepke, my camera that you still haven’t understood how to work. To the pond of St. Croix I give my special edition 1980 Monte Carlo with five cylinders Engine R.I.P.

I, Mike Jeseritz, being sound of mind (damage) leave to Dan Campbell – my ability to have compassion on freshmen (we were all there at one time or another). To Craig Peterson my ability to put up with Greg Michael. To everyone else – the ability to write me at college. And last but not least Jenny Putz – a THANK YOU, for the ability to see beauty in and through your eyes. Good Luck to everyone next year!

I, Jana Just, am going to will my height to Jessica Pieper and my Algebra skills to Shari Waldschmidt.

I, Kirsten Just, will my brother Tim the use of the car every day next year without any difficulties.

I, Dean Kaminski, with an unsound mind (because of school) and a body to match leave to Craig Peterson – the ability to “put it” anywhere he wants, Adam Less – a S. Stallone doll, A.P., J.P., and A.S. – laughs! Dan Campbell – all my “girls”, and good luck to the rest of the school.

I, Scott Kaminski, will my good looks to the Junior class boys (they need it), laugh to the entire school, and the chicken pox to the faculty.

I, Scott Lewis, having no mind at all will everything (except Michelle) to everyone.

I, Jennifer Lindemann, will to Andreia Baake, all the chocolate chip cake and chocolate chip frosting in the world – Please control yourself!!

I, Chris Marier, being of unsound mind and body, will absolutely nothing to nobody. It’s my stuff, and I don’t see why I should give it away. Besides, wills are for dead people and I’m not dead, nor am I dying.

I, Michelle McKenzy, will only this one thing: to Adam Less and Matt Peterson respect and decent behavior.

I, Marc Meier, being of unsound mind and physically unfit body, do hereby give away all my possessions. To Mike Noonan I leave my stylish new track shoes and my pair of red ear muffs. To Jim Kluth, I leave the top spot on the managerial staff of the track team and also my winter coat with matching hat, gloves, and sweater. To Chris Letterman I leave a pair of red and white socks to wear to track meets. To Dan Campbell I give my leaking sunroof, stolen radio, bald tires, broken door lock, and any of the other good things you want off my car. To Jessica Schindeldecker I give all my coloring books and my new box of 64 crayons (with a built in sharpener). To Adrian Caauwe I give my cap gun and my rubber knife. To Matt Pearson I leave my calculator silly putty, chutes and ladders board, dinasourspoans, squirt gun, Sylvester pencil topper, super balls, and all the rest of my toys. To Debbie Haberkorn I leave my back row seat in choir. To Rick Goplen I leave my Spanish book, worksheets, charts, notes, cheat sheets, all my Spanish skills, my back seat in class, and anything else that will help you get a better grade in that class. And last and certainly least, To Kent Swanson – NOTHING!!

I, David Miller, do solemnly bequeath the following possessions: To Adrian Caauwe my ambition to become a Garbologist. To Allysen my good driving skill. To John Strutt my ability to make parents think that I’m an innocent little boy. To Pastor Zell my caring heart towards my fellow classmates. To Mr. Schlawin a lifetime supply of gum chewers. To Snickers my recipe for Rumballs. And finally to St. Croix Lutheran Minimum Security Prison – a bulldozer (MAY YOU REST IN PEACE!).

I, Jody Mueller, will to Tim Just the ability to notice all padidels before anyone else. To Katy Liesner – sanity for one more year, fun trips to the cabin for 2 more years, and just plain strength for at least 3 more years! Good Luck Katie (1-2-3)!! To George my will power to plug-on in all she does!! (And the ability to not trip over 3rd base!)

I, Katie Neikirk, hereby will to my Love Bubble a way to stay happy through St. Croix, to Brian Schmelling, carrots. To Greg Stier my great high paying job at OCB. To Katy Liesner all the rain slickers to keep you dry and our Katy(ie) hugs to live forever in your heart. To my sister Sarah all the massive amounts of money I had during basketball season so I didn’t starve waiting for practice, and my letter jacket – maybe it will fall apart next year. And to Kent Swanson I will my wonderful bball and track talents, the ability to get my medals, just like me, right? And Never to give up!

I, Kari Orf, being of sound mind, and body hereby will to the following: To Lisa Lystad (a.k.a. Ugly)—the ability to have a good time in cheerleading no matter what the consequences. To Andy Meelberg – Oh shucks Andy, I forgot! J/K, you can have my typewriter, heaven knows you need the practice. To Dan Campbell – any Stephen King book that I’ll ever own. To Missy Adams – (a.k.a. Muffy) - my dizzy blond hair that perfectly fits your personality and your chipmunk laugh.

I, Trisha Peterson, being of sound body and somewhat sound mind will to Cindy Anderson my seat in Spanish class – sleep well in it (I know I did). To Sandie Illi I will the Courier (I hope you like deadlines – Good Luck!) To Mr. Hansen and Pastor Huebner I will the ability to know what’s going on with the newspaper. To Corinne Humann I will a continued spot in Croixaliers (so you can see your boyfriend at Choralfest again next year). And to Chris – Good Luck with your Bass, you’ll make a good musician or a good counselor whichever you decide to be.

I, Dana Redding, will to Meredith my toe shoes, to Shannon all my magazines and walkman, to Cyndi a better understanding of “Espanol” next year, and to “Monique” my blonde hair.

I, Matt Rindal, give to Rick the key to my office and a lifetime supply to office paper. To Dan and Brian I leave one huge Jack-O-Lantern for decorating purposes. To Miss Arndt I leave my Guns and Roses CD’s, so there will be some real music coming out of detention room next year.

I, Joe Roberts, being of sound mind and body do hereby bestow upon the following peoples my riches and wisdom. To my brother Aaron my squirt gun collection, may he use it in the best of health. To Brian Spanovich my super driving skills; may he use it in the best of health. To Brian Spanovich my superb driving skills; may he never get another ticket. To Becca Zarn my raincoat, may she never be drenched again even though it isn’t raining. To Mr. Stueber my taste in clothes, may he never wear another one of those ties. To Sheri Waldschmitt sun tan lotion may she never burn certain parts of her anatomy while tanning. To the rest of the faculty a short goodbye an so long.

I, Scott Roepke, will my old by great jacket to Katy L. who owes me a jacket. I will my nickname “Paudy” to Paul S. for calling him Paulsey. And I will my car to the highest bidder. No more than $5,000.

I, Doug Schlottman, will to Jeff Hadler my ability to beat Jim Kluth in golf. I will to Beth Staab the ability to make more money at what she does. And I will to Jim Kluth the ability to get along with Mr. Oldfield.

I, Debbie Schultz, will to my cousin Jenny Bents, my short stature and quiet nature. She needs my quiet nature. To Andreia Baake or Lisa Lystad the position of Head Typist – have fun getting the Courier typed in 3 days. To Cindy Anderson my seat in Spanish or my A whichever you want you can have. To Shannon Hayes, our youth group leader, make sure he drives slowly and safely!

I, Jonathan Stadler, being of demented mind and partially fit body, do hereby will to the following people the according things: To Christina, my sister, the ability to successfully T.P. without ever incurring bodily injury. To Brian Schmeling, the prized air guitar that was willed to me by Jeff. It’s best to keep it in the family! Thanks for the use Jeff! To the faculty, my sympathies. Just as you thought you were finally getting rid of a Stadler, another one is on the way! To Johanna Walters, a complimentary ice down on the house! To Mike Jeseritz, the hope that you’ll never face a long, cold winter! They’re no fun!! To the lunch ladies my gratitude for relieving me of the chore of having to brown bag it for two years! To Brian Strojny, a can of SPAM in times of emergency and a hair band for putting your hair in a pony tail whenever you feel the desire to be like bono. To all Pre-Calculus and Calculus students, the ability to understand and comprehend exactly what the teachers are saying. You’ve got to be quick, though, or the concepts will get out of reach before you know it! They really fly! And finally, to all Latin II students, my list of Latin alliterations and Latin phrases for passing the time during lessons on Irregular Verbs, Desponent Verbs, Infinitives, and Participles!!

I, Sarah Stoerzinger, will to Andy M. the rest of my notebooks so that he can use them for little cheat sheets in Spanish next year. To Rox J. I will a years supply of my Rose Quartz.

I, Brian Strojny, being of unsound mind and body do will the following items to the following: Not-so-deserving people: all the stuff I stole from the science room back to Mr. Everts. All my squirt guns to Mr. Lequia. The bird on my left hand to Mr Stueber. All my toilet paper to Pastor Heubner (I’ll deliver it). My left one to Jon. My Spanish book to “Hot-Rod”. My 5-star notebook to Tom. My ability to smile to Mrs. Miller, and my condolences to the rest of you sorry underclassmen who are stuck here for the rest of your lives!!

I, Brad Wildman, being of sound mind and body hereby bequeath all my trombone playing ability to Mike Jeseritz. To Jon Stadler I give my ability to keep a balanced checkbook and not bounce checks, and to Scott Roepke I leave my favorite golf ball – (I hope he doesn’t hit a house with it). To Chip Owens I give patience and knowledge so he will be able to throw over 120 feet next year.

I, Becca Zarn, will Anna, Shannon, and Joni everything that is in my bag.